ways to earn money from your Telegram channel

 Marketing through online messaging applications and tools is a sophisticated strategy that provides endless opportunities for marketers.

 Telegram is one tool that seems to be powerful for marketing purposes. People use it to connect, find answers to their questions, get customer support, and connect with brands. In this post, we will tell you how to make money with Telegram, and we will share some practical tips on how to promote your channel on Telegram. In addition, you will learn how to make money with Telegram bots and how to track Telegram campaigns.


Telegram is a fast growing cloud-based messaging app. It is available for both computers and mobile devices and is known for its high level of information security. Telegram was created in Russia, and now it is widely used in many countries around the world. As of January 2021, this app is the most downloaded non-gaming app, accounting for more than 63 million installs, nearly four times what it was last year.

Telegram has a competitive advantage over other messengers in terms of communication and monetization as it allows users to create complete channels that are easy to make. Another advantage of Telegram is that there are no ads on the app. This attracts an educated audience who is familiar with the latest online trends.

 Telegram Statistics

Here are some facts about Telegram that may be useful to marketers.
About 15 billion messages are sent daily on the app.
Telegram has 500 million active users.
The app spent $0 on ads.
85% of Telegram users use Android devices.
Telegram is available in 13 languages.
There are 58.6% men and about 41.4% women on Telegram.
The largest age groups are 25-34 years (38%) and 18-24 years (27%).

 What makes Telegram a good tool for making money?

  • There are many ways to make money via Telegram. But what makes it so good for monetization? Here are some of the things that make the app an ideal money-making tool.
  • The audience on Telegram is active, educated and prosperous.
  • There are no ads on the platform, so people are not prone to banner blindness. That's why they are more likely to respond to your marketing efforts in a positive way.
  • Telegram marketing is a new strategy, so the competition is relatively low.
  • Telegram open rates are higher compared to other marketing methods.
  • Messenger marketing is similar to 1:1 communication, which allows marketers to create a seamless user experience.
  • Telegram allows marketers to provide relevant content to their followers.
  • Creating a Telegram channel is free and does not require any special skills. Telegram channels have an unlimited number of subscribers, so you can send messages to a large number of users.
  • You can build a customer-facing chatbot to achieve your marketing goals. A bot can save you a lot of time because it can serve many purposes, for example, providing your customers with the information they require, sending videos, documents, photos, etc.
  • There are special channels that provide additional monetization options.
  • User information is well protected.
  • The application is easy to use.
  • Push notifications in Telegram channels help people keep track of what you post.
  • You can set the self-destruct timer to only delete relevant messages for a short time, for example, when certain limited-time offers are announced.
  • You can pin the most important messages to the top of the channel. This will help you draw users' attention to the most important information.
  • You can transfer files in different formats on the app.

 How to promote your Telegram channel and increase your followers

Of course, the first thing you should do on Telegram is to create a channel, and the way to create it is easy, so you will go beyond its explanation, now we will discuss ways to increase your followers and start investing your efforts. Here are some easy-to-follow tips on how to make money on Telegram channels and increase your audience.

 Create a name that is easy to remember and reflects the personality of your brand. Do not be an imitator, think of a unique name. This will help you stand out from your competition.
Make sure your logo is memorable and reflects your brand and its values.

Mention the benefits of your brand in your channel description.
Create compelling, high-quality content that will strike a chord with your audience and provide solutions to their problems. 

Use various content formats, including images, gifs, short videos, etc.
Watermark your photos or videos. This will help you get more attention to your channel.

Post constantly. Set a posting schedule and stick to it.
Ensure that there is no irrelevant or outdated content on your channel. This may be inconvenient for newcomers. If you find content like this, delete it.

Promote your channel on social media and Q&A platforms like Quora.

Use your blog to promote your Telegram channel. For this, put a link to your channel on your blog and vice versa, include a link to your blog in your channel bio.

Add free giveaways and offers on your channel.
Join groups in your field and actively participate in discussions. Promote your channel in the discussions you participate in.

Never change the topic of your channel. If you need to expand the range of topics, choose some topics related to the main topic.

Personalize your channel with the help of Telegram stickers. Aside from adding some fun to channels, branded stickers are perfect for increasing your brand awareness and increasing engagement on your channel.

Don't get caught up in posting too much. The never-ending deluge of messages may frighten your followers.

 How to earn and monetize your Telegram channel

Now we will answer the scary question that many beginners in Telegram ask - how can I make money on Telegram channels? Here are some ways to monetize your Telegram channel.

1- Sell ads or paid posts on your channel.

Even though there are no paid ads on Telegram, marketers still need to promote their channels and increase their followers. So, one way out is to advertise on other channels. Ensure that you are only promoting trusted and reputable channels that are relevant to your niche. Otherwise, such ads can undermine your reputation.

2- Charge a fee to join a private channel.

Another way to monetize your Telegram channel is to charge people to join it. Usually, the strategy works in the following way. You create a public channel (or social media account) in which you promote and provide content of exceptional value. You can also create a private Telegram channel through which users can access premium content for a fee.

3- Selling and promoting your products or services.

You can also use the platform to sell your products or services. For this, you will have to run a channel related to the content and promotion of your product. For example, if you provide educational services, you can offer users valuable educational content.
You can also promote an app and give your audience an overview of its new features.

 4- Raising money from donations.

If you have a loyal following, you can ask your audience for a donation to help you achieve a goal, for example, publishing a book.

5- Affiliate marketing

The essence of affiliate marketing is that affiliates earn a commission when the redirected visitor through their affiliate links performs the desired action on the advertiser's site.

This money making strategy is one of the most profitable on Telegram. To profit from the application, you must promote third-party products or services, for example, Amazon products and share your affiliate link. When a visitor buys a product after clicking on your link, you get an affiliate commission.

Telegram is ideal for promoting limited-time offers, so you can create Telegram bots that will help people search for a product, for example, for airfare and accommodation, and get a commission whenever a visitor books via your affiliate link.

 6- Create Telegram bots for other people.

If you are good at it, you can create bots for other businesses. Creating a bot is not a difficult task but it does require some technical knowledge and creativity.

7- Advising people on Telegram promotion.
Once you create and grow your channel and learn the ins and outs of Telegram promotion, you can monetize sharing your experience with other people. For example, you can consult people about how to build and use a bot, the right niche to choose, which content works best in different areas, etc.

8- Create and sell Telegram channels.

You can create and grow corporate channels by making the most of your expertise and experience.

9- Managing Telegram channels.

You can help others manage and promote their Telegram channels. For this, you will have to constantly create and publish content, communicate with advertisers, customers, etc.

10- Directing your visitors to your blog or website.

You can use Telegram to increase the flow of traffic to your blog or website.

 How to make money using Telegram bots

What is a Telegram bot?

It is a Telegram account that is operated by a program and not by a person.

Telegram bots give the app a competitive edge over other messengers. Bots can serve a lot of marketing purposes and they can give marketers a lot of legal action when communicating with customers. Telegram bots can:

Provide real time customer support
Exchange of information
Help with searches
Remind users of some events
Integration with other services

How do you track Telegram campaigns?

It's important to keep track of Telegram campaigns to see which perform the best and what resonate with your audience the most. Having this information can help you make improvements and adjust your campaigns for success.

In Telegram, there are several key metrics for rating, including subscribers, channel views, members, number of messages, and chat activity. How do you get this data? There are several ways.

manually. You can study the information Telegram gives you and analyze how often users have interacted with your content, and how quickly your audience is growing.
Use of UTM tags.
Use of promotional codes.
Use of third-party analytics and bots tools, for example, @ChannelAnalyticsBot, @TGStat Alert Bot

Frequently asked questions about profit from Telegram

How to create a Telegram channel?
To create a Telegram channel, go to the menu tab of the messenger app. Choose New Channel, type in the channel name, add a description, and upload an icon. Choose the channel type: public or private. Set a link to your channel. Add subscribers from your contact list.

 How to make money from Telegram channel?
To monetize your Telegram channel, you can sell ads in it, sell your products or services, offer a paid subscription to premium content, or sell your channel to someone else.

Can you make money with Telegram?
Yes, Telegram is a new marketing and business tool. You can still make big money with Telegram channels.

How much can I make money with Telegram channel?
With a channel of more than 100,000 members, you can earn around 2,000 per month. But it really depends on the quality of your channel and the type of monetization.

Does Telegram pay for channels?
No, Telegram does not pay for channels. But you can make money from channels using one of the popular ways to monetize Telegram: ads, services, products, paid subscription and sales channels.

How does Telegram pay?
Telegram does not pay channel owners and does not have any special monetization program at the moment. However, you can still make money from Telegram by making deals with other channel owners or business owners.

Can I make $100 a day with Telegram?
Yes, if you have a popular Telegram channel. In this case, you can sell 1-2 paid posts in your channel per day and make $100.

How does Telegram make money?
Telegram is a free app. He earns money from donations from wealthy investors and organizations.

How to increase your money earning on Telegram?
Sell ​​paid posts, sell products and services, join affiliate programs, sell paid subscriptions or create and sell a network of channels. The bigger Telegram channel, the higher income.

What are the best Telegram monetization strategies?
The best Telegram monetization strategies include selling in-channel ads, selling products and services, and offering paid subscriptions to premium content and sales channels.


 Finally, if you have any other questions about how to make money online, please comment below. Also if you have any ideas or suggestions, also comment and let me know. So I can post an article about it.

This has been the main strategy I personally use to make money with Telegram. I hope you like it. Finally, I would say that nothing can happen overnight.

You have to be consistent in what you do. If your content is valuable, you will definitely get followers.

Earning money from Telegram channel is very easy. You just have to find new ways to make money. Discover different ways to make money and apply them over and over again.

Passionate content creator with a love for writing, art, and blogging